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This download area contains a small sample of the extensive range of documentation available to TIMS users. It exists for the use of PROFESSORS ONLY, in evaluating TIMS for purchase by their Institutions. The information available in this secure area includes: User Manuals, Lab sheet Experiments, 5 Volume Student Text etc.


TIMS-SDR is a ONE-OF-ITS-KIND Solution for Professors to quickly introduce educational Software Defined Radio to students, using the TIMS block diagram approach and the SDR interface offered along with the module.

Free eBook to support Telecommunications Courses

“Digital communications – collection of solved problems and examples” by M. Rakus, T. Palenik

This 10 chapter/243 page book is intended as complementary to the widely known textbooks Digital Communications by John Proakis or Digital Communications – fundamentals and applications by B. Sklar. The target audience is students new to the area of advanced digital communications. Two types of exercises are provided: the manual exercises, calculated by hand, and a complementary MATLABTM exercises. The extensive MATLAB exercises help to consolidate the theoretical calculations.

A selection of exercises can also be modelled using the Emona TIMS  lab teaching equipment. With TIMS, the students will gain a true hands-on experience with real signals and systems.

TIMS New IoT Explorative Experiments

TIMS now offers 3 new format, “explorative” experiments, which guide students into the theory behind how IoT works at the physical layer. Each lab experiments comes with a teacher’s text with solutions and sample waveforms.

– Chirp Spread Spectrum IoT
– Ultra Wide Band IoT
– ASK + Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum IoT

TIMS “explorative” experiments are more open ended, and require the student to think and work out solutions to complete the experiment. Download the teacher and student version of sample IoT UWB experiments:


All module capabilities and specifications are outlined in the TIMS User Manuals. Module descriptions are presented in a common format making it very easy for students to quickly grasp the use of any module.


The eleven volume TIMS Student Texts, 3000+ pages in total, provide an in-depth coverage of a broad range of both analog and digital experiments. Included is supporting theoretical information, detailed experimental instructions and challenging questions. Each chapter also includes a tutorial section.


TIMS Student Lab sheet Experiments provide a massive library of over 150+ concise experiments, covering the fundamentals of many key telecommunications topics.